What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for people with disability to get the help that they need to lead happy, dignified lives. As everyone is unique, so too are their goals and needs. So, how does the NDIS help people with disability achieve their individual goals? The NDIS provides a range of personalised services to help people with disability live independent lives. The NDIS also provides support to participants’ families and carers, to help participants strengthen their support system and connect with their community.
Ways the NDIS can help you and your loved ones.
- Information and referral
From the NDIS, you can access information about the most effective support options, referral to the relevant support services, help to build individual capacity such as diagnosis advice, as well as links to local support coordination, clubs, associations, initiatives or programs. - Individualised plans and supports
With so many people contributing in the program, how does the NDIS help participants achieve their individual goals? The focus is mainly through individualised plans and supports.
You can access NDIS funding to plan your goals and aspirations, access programs or services to help you achieve your goals, as well as to manage your individual plan. The NDIS also provides support to families and carers, so that you have a strong support system to help you achieve your goals.
- Funded supports
Depending on the goals of your plan, you may be eligible for funded supports. This could involve choosing support providers for ongoing support programs, such as the Nextt Steps Program, or for one-off costs, such as buying a new wheelchair. - Housing
Affordable, stable housing is key for helping people with disability achieve their life goals and aspirations. As housing policy is handled by State Governments, it’s common to ask ‘how does the NDIS help with housing?’ The answer lies in providing ongoing support for daily living, which may include some housing costs or setting up a new home for group of particicpants - Assistive Technology
The NDIS also provides funding for assistive technology. This is defined as a system that allows individuals to perform tasks they would otherwise be unable to do or increases the ease and safety with which tasks can be performed.’ These may include devices such as mobility canes, wheelchairs, hearing aids and bed rails. - Auslan Translation Services
NDIS participants with hearing impairment may require an Auslan translator interpreting and translation services in activities of daily life. Pending your needs and individual support plan, these Auslan services may be covered by the NDIS. - Support to access community services and activities
How does the NDIS help people with disability connect with the community? Through covering the cost of services like specialised transport or holiday camps that are already available in your local area.
For more information about how the NDIS can help you and your loved ones, be sure to check out the Federal Government’s NDIS website.
Can I get support?
The NDIS supports people living with disability, mental illness or developmental delay. Funding can provide you with the reasonable and necessary support you need in day-to-day life and to achieve your goals.
Eligibility depends on your age, citizenship status and the impact of your disability.
To access funding you must:
- be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or hold a Protected Special Category Visa
- be aged under 65
- Have a permanent or ongoing condition that impacts your ability to complete everyday activities. Or, if you have a condition that could get better, having support now will mean you can do more things for yourself in the future.
For more information use the NDIS Access Checklist.
How it works
The NDIS puts you in charge of your funding and gives you choice and control over the services you purchase. If you’re eligible, you’ll work with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) or an organisation they partner with called a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) to develop your plan.
Your NDIS plan will look at all areas of your life
You’ll discuss where you live, what you like to do, your daily needs, and your short and long term goals.
Through your plan, you’ll receive funding for supports to help you live a good life and achieve your
goals. If you enter the NDIS, you will go through a planning process with a NDIS representative, to develop your individual NDIS plan and determine the funding you will receive
Under the NDIS Act, a support will not be funded if it:
- Is not related to the participant’s disability
- Duplicates other supports already funded by a different mechanism through the NDIS
- Relates to day to day living costs that are not related to a participant’s support needs, or
- Is likely to cause harm to the participant or pose a risk to others.
We have staff who are experts in the planning process. They can provide advice to assist you to make the most of your plan.
The NDIA has prepared the NDIS Planning Workbook, which can be found on the NDIS website: www.ndis.gov.au/participants/planning-process
Where can I get more information about the NDIS?
Or the NDIS
The following video resources may assist you in understanding:
What is the NDIS : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnqSZIZY2GTDi_UesB62ecQ
My Choice Matters : http://www.mychoicematters.org.au/
NDIS Website – official NDIS Website
Every Australian Counts – a great resource for all things NDIS.
Family Advocacy – information and resources about the NDIS and advocacy